СЕРЕДА 18.03
Завдання для 1В/ 1A класу
СЕРЕДА 18.03
Завдання для 10A класу (Business English)
СЕРЕДА 18.03
Завдання для 5B класу

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Book - page 63
Exercise 1: Listen and number (послухай
та прономеруй)
Щоб прослухати аудіо файл перейдіть за посиланням і відкрийте
запис 42
Exercise 2: Listen and say (Послухай та
Щоб прослухати аудіо файл перейдіть за посиланням і
відкрийте запис 43
Exercise 3: Show and tell (Покажи і розкажи)
Book – page 61
Exercise 1: Listen and match (Послухай
та з’єднай)
Щоб прослухати аудіо файл перейдіть за посиланням і
відкрийте запис 44
1. Mum
2. Uncle
3. Brother
4. Cousin
5. Dad
6. Aunt
7. Sister
8. Grandma
9. Grandpa
Exercise 2: Look and circle
This is my mum. That is my aunt.
Hi Students!
Here are the tasks for your Business English lesson March, 18th
Here are the tasks for your Business English lesson March, 18th
1. Follow the link. Do vocabulary work
Exercise 2. Read the following text and try to
summarise the notion of the words ‘company’ and ‘association’:
A company is, in
general, any group of people (known as its members) united to pursue
a common interest. The term is thus synonymous with association,
but more often it is used specifically to identify associations formed for
profit, such as the partnership, the joint-stock company, and the
for-profit corporation. A company is not necessarily a
corporation, and thus may not have a separate existence from its
A company might also not be able to sue or be sued in
its own name, and thus would not be considered to be a legal person.
Whether a company has either of these characteristics depends on the law
of the jurisdiction.
Although associations of people carrying on business must have existed
from time immemorial, the oldest continually operating
business in existence is Japanese firm Kongo Gumi, which was founded in the
sixth century.
A voluntary association (also
sometimes called just an association) is a group of individuals who voluntarily
enter into an agreement to form a body (or organization) to
accomplish a purpose. Strictly speaking in many jurisdictions no
formalities are necessary to start an association. Some jurisdictions require
that the association register with the police or other
official body to inform the public of the association’s existence. This is not
necessarily a tool of political control but much more a way of protecting the
economy from fraud.
3. Write the answers to the questions in your
1. What are the main company characteristics?
2. How old is the first business?
3. Why should associations register with the police or other
official body?
4. Would you like to start your own business when you're older? Joe
meets young British entrepreneurs who are doing just that, and gets expert
advice from Sir Richard Branson on how to make your business a success.
1. Do the vocabulary work
Match the vocabulary with the correct definition and
write a–g next to the numbers 1–7
1…….. a niche in the market
a. a person who starts and
manages a business, accepting the
2…….. an entrepreneur
b. a person who goes into new areas (of land,
thought, research, risks and hoping to make money
3…….. set up
c. make a product, especially using machines
4…….. manufacture
d. think of, discover or produce (an idea, solution,
design, etc.)
5…….. come up with
e. a special area of demand for a product
make someone do something difficult without any preparation,
6…….. a pioneer
f. help or training
7 throw somebody in at the deep end
g. start or establish (a business)
Follow the link,
listen and do the tasks
1. One problem in
golf is …
a. the long walk to get the ball.
b. the difficulty of learning the game.
c. the danger of
balls hitting people.
2. The small,
lightweight golf cart can …
a. carry two people.
b. easily fit in your car.
c. help you improve
your technique.
3. Arnold came up
with the idea for the golf cart while he was …
a. at school.
b. at university.
c. working at the golf course.
4. Arnold says golf
is …
a. not as important as design for him.
b. an enjoyable hobby.
c. the major passion
in his life.
5. Richard Branson
remembers that being a young entrepreneur is …
a. exciting.
b. tiring.
c. hard.
6. Sir Richard says a
business is …
a. all about the people that work there.
b. knowing that the customer is always right.
c. having an idea
that makes a positive difference to people’s lives.
7. Arnold
manufactures his golf cart in …
a. Britain.
b. China.
c. Germany.
8. Arnold’s golf cart
is also …
a. allowed in parks.
b. easy to carry by hand.
c. legal on the
2. Listen again and check your vocabulary: gap
fill. Complete the gaps with a word from the box.
1. Wherever you are playing golf, there can be a long
_______________ to get the ball after hitting your shot.
2. The RolleyGolf offers a new way to get around the
golf _______________.
3. The small and lightweight golf cart fits in the
_______________ of your car.
4. Arnold took the RolleyGolf idea to a golf course and
discovered there was a _______________in the market.
5. Sir Richard Branson was once in Arnold’s position,
facing the same _______________ as a young entrepreneur.
6. Sir Richard says that when he first started he just threw
himself in at the deep _______________.
7. Many of the parts for Arnold’s invention are handmade in a
small _______________ in South London.
8. Arnold’s _______________ is now legal on the roads, so
Joe decides to borrow one to get home.
Exercise 4. Think. If you were going to set
up your own business, what type of product or service would you offer? Give
1. Write the answers to the questions in exercise 3.
2. Do the multiple tasks and gap filling tasks after listening to the text.
3. Write a paragraph based on the task in exercise 4.
Email your homework to
Glorious Food
Exercise 1a
(Read and
translate the words. Then label the sections)
Exercise 1b
(Listen and
check, then say)
Щоб прослухати аудіо файл перейдіть за посиланням і відкрийте запис 102
Exercise 2
(Read the
information about countable and uncountable nouns in the Grammar Reference
section p. GR8.
Which of
the foods in Ex.1a are: countable? uncountable? Write C if the word is
countable and U if the word is uncountable)

Exercise 3 p.124
(Look at
the pictures and fill in the missing words)
Learn the words from exercises 1 and 3 by heart.
Learn the words from exercises 1 and 3 by heart.
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