вівторок, 28 квітня 2020 р.

Дистанційне навчання 2020 29/04

Cереда 29.04
Завдання  для 10A класу
(Business English)
Theme: Applying for a Job 
Follow the link and do the tasks

Good luck and have a nice day!!!

Cереда 29.04
Завдання  для 5В класу
Theme: Food.
 Wednesday, the twenty-ninth of April 
1.     Fill in (Ex 5 p 75) WB
2.     Fill in verbs in the correct form (Ex 6 p 75 )
3.      Time to play :     https://learningapps.org/4719167
4.      Write what you have for breakfast or lunch (Ex 7 p 75).

Homework: show how you did ex 5,6,7 p 75 

Good luck and have a nice day!!!

Cереда 29.04
Завдання  для 1В класу
Theme: Get dressed
Follow the link and do the tasks

Good luck and have a nice day!!!

Cереда 29.04
Завдання  для 1А класу
Theme: Get dressed
Follow the link and do the tasks

Good luck and have a nice day!!!

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